After spending four months working with a wonderful copyeditor from Beaver’s Pond Press, going over the manuscript chapter by chapter, word by word, punctuation mark by punctuation mark, she sent it on to the proofreader. A week later, the proofreader wrote: `”I believe this is one of the absolute very best manuscripts I’ve ever had the pleasure to work on—and I’ve edited nearly six hundred in my career to date, for both indie and traditional publishers. It was a sincere honor to participate in this process, and in fact, I would love to add this book to our personal library when it is published.”
Wow! That made my day.
WOW, Ames! that’s fabulous!
and i love the bookmark, too, which just arrived in the mail (with that astonishing photo!) —
can’t wait to get my copy of Eleanor’s Wars….. do you have a release date yet?
What a great testimonial, Ames! Congrats!